
Showing posts from March, 2023

How Does Work Feel to You?

  ๐Ÿ’œI have to admit, I have been super lucky to have a beautiful family and husband who support me in all I decide.  I usually make very good decisions.  This is something that I've been able to do through inward thinking, listening to my intuition.  I have been able to stay home where my heart is for the past 35 years taking care of our kids, grandkids, my husband and myself.  With that said, I always felt like, "Who am I to talk about work, work life, working moms, work in general."  "Who am I to think I could become a six figure winning business woman?" I thought to succeed in life, I was to work hard. Work felt hard to me. ๐Ÿ’ŽFor quite some time, I did not realize the role I played at home was just as important as going out and earning.  My husband with his law degree was capable of brining in all we needed to raise our family.  And by staying home and not working outside the home, I had it in my mind for years that I wasn't doing my part, I wa...

What I Did Over the Past 50 Years to Conquer my Anxiety

FACEBOOK PAGE What I Did Over the Past 50 Years to Conquer my Anxiety!! YOU MAY HAVE COME HERE FROM THIS POST Today I am grateful for growing up with anxiety.  It did a couple things for me that gave me super powers to overcome and keep going.  And as a person who feels others energy and emotions, I realized much of the anxiety I was having was other people’s energies around me.  Do you ever feel like everything is just too much and you just want to run and hide in a closet? Ever have feelings of joy at wanting to shut the world out and down for a moment to catch your breath and get grounded, settled, regroup? I wanted to help people come out of this anxiety pattern that has us going from one extreme to another with our emotions. Let’s face it though we all experience and express anxiety in different ways. Some say they resonate with the way I experienced it and then I got to talking with people who experienced it differently. Some find comfort and push it under the rug a...

Creating or Retreating into Confusion? Recieve 5 Steps To Winning Live Stream Link

Can you relate? 1. You get all fired up and ready to accomplish your goals. 2. You set the goal taking considerable steps towards achievement of the goal and then before you even know what happened, you find yourself completely off course and not following through on the very thing that was supposed to be so important to you just mere days ago. What's that about? Could overwhelm be an avoidance strategy? How do we justify avoiding achieving our most exciting goals and dreams? How can you course correct and find yourself stepping out of this cycle and the thinking that stops you from taking action? As a simple service, I can provide you a live stream we recently ran on Youtube to help clear up a few things for you and give you 5 steps to winning. Simply visit This Link  to enjoy the free Youtube Live stream link. Please be sure to Like and subscribe if you enjoyed the content of the video as well as the message the stream gave you.   ๐Ÿ’ฅFREE  BONUS!๐Ÿ’ฅ When you click  T...