How Does Work Feel to You?


๐Ÿ’œI have to admit, I have been super lucky to have a beautiful family and husband who support me in all I decide.  I usually make very good decisions.  This is something that I've been able to do through inward thinking, listening to my intuition.  I have been able to stay home where my heart is for the past 35 years taking care of our kids, grandkids, my husband and myself.  With that said, I always felt like, "Who am I to talk about work, work life, working moms, work in general."  "Who am I to think I could become a six figure winning business woman?" I thought to succeed in life, I was to work hard. Work felt hard to me.

๐Ÿ’ŽFor quite some time, I did not realize the role I played at home was just as important as going out and earning.  My husband with his law degree was capable of brining in all we needed to raise our family.  And by staying home and not working outside the home, I had it in my mind for years that I wasn't doing my part, I wasn't working hard enough.  I always felt like I should be taking on a side job or contributining monetarily.  In reality, I was doing the job of a CEO and it was 24/7.  I loved being able to be there for my kids when they had activities and school and was greatful for all the opportunities to help them with for growing and learning.  I loved summer vacation and spending time outdoors with them, getting to play and have fun. Work at this time meant outside the home, my husband working away while we play. I didn't even really consider that I was doing all that much because when you love what you do, it isn't work.

๐Ÿ’œFor the longest time, I thought that I wasn't contributing what I wanted to contribute to society.  So, when my youngest started pre-school, I started the first yoga center in my town, Monk Yoga.  At one time I had 7 teachers and we had 14 classes on the schedule.  I set it up so simple contracting with teachers who wanted to teach from their heart and I let them run their classes as they saw fit.  We had a lock on the door where they could use the studio pretty much as their own and the studio was only open during class times.  My phone was always on so I did all the managerial tasks of Advertising, Promoting, Cleaning, Taking calls, Paying the bills, etc... And I did all that part-time. It was an incredible business model.  I ran the center for seven years and then sold it as my family needed more of my attention. 

๐Ÿ’ŽI would say yoga center was a labor of love, always putting what I earned right back into the business, but it was also much more than that.  It gave yoga teachers a place to begin and thrive, it gave me a purpose and an outlet to give to my community in an incredibly transformative way, bringing thoughtfulness to a town that was about to explode with high density housing which also meant more yoga centers popping up (many by the teachers I gave a start).  I had felt a sense of community and purpose and am very proud of the work I did.  Again, when you love what you do it isn't work.

๐Ÿ’œI attended city counsil meetings and helped our woman Mayor get elected and still support her.  She had a tough job getting elected to the counsil of a town ran by an old guard who have been running a plan of greed and power and have mainly worked to fill their own pockets rather than think of the citizens of Loveland and what is best for all. Our Mayor Jackie Marsh has recieved death threats for bringing the power back to the people in our town.  She is very inspiring and always has treated those around her like they are valuable and have something to say.  I might go as far to say that she has given us as citizens our voice back. Helping her get elected and supporting her for the past few years has been completely volunteer/seva (selfless service), and it was a great success for me personally to have contributed time to give to my town.  Again, when you love what you do it isn't work.

๐Ÿ’ŽI have worked long hours 24/7 raising my family to see my son become a lawyer defending childrens' rights, see my oldest daughter work for my husband helping counsil and direct injured people to get back on their feet physically, mentally and financially, my second eldest daughter earn a degree in phsychology so she can help kids with physchological diagnosis with learning disabilities, and my youngest recently receive an award for citizenship after graduating high school 2 years late because of her attendance throughout her school career, which was poor because of mis-diagnosed and mis-treated mental illness. And through all of this is work we all did, I constantly remained asleep in my thoughts, thinking that I wasn't enough, that I hadn't contributed to the world, and that I was incapable of actually succeeding as a woman in business. My thinking, and the way I veiwed myself was still stuck in the idea that I had not graduated college, and I wasn't smart enough to do anything but raise a family, stay at home, do chores, and live off my husband.  As you can see, I was completely wrong about my own perception of myself.

๐Ÿ”ฅWhat changed? My perception of work, and the way 

I feel about my life and amazing accomplishments.๐Ÿ”ฅ

๐Ÿ’œI stumble upon a company, right after asking the Universe for a way to help my husband retire.  I was still stuck in a thought pattern of not being good enough but wanted desperately to retire with him to Costa Rica.  I didn't know where to start. So I thought about it, I visualized being retired with him and how that would feel.  I let it go, and went on with cleaning the dishes.  Several days later, I saw an ad on social media and thought, "Oh another pyrmid scheme!"  Then it popped up again and I thought, something about this seems different that the other pyrmid schemes that prey upon unsuspecting housewives. Then I remembered I had just asked the universe for a way to help my husband retire.  I used my intution to look into the opportunity.  And to my surprise, it was not a scheme at all, but a real way to build online business and earn big, exactly what I needed to replace my husbands income and work part-time doing so.

๐Ÿ’ŽBut bigger and better than that, was that it was in the industry I love, personal development, leadership education and wealth creation.  Wealth creation was a bonus as I had never really thought of that before jumping on board and partnering with a company that had everything I needed including systems in place, so much for not knowing where to start.

๐Ÿ’œI jumped on board and started building my business, first emersing myself in the courses and I immediately started feeling shifts.  I went to an event in Seattle, Washington for training and walked into a room full of professionals who were super successful and some new people like me and almost walked out thinking what am I doing here.  My intuition kept me there and by the time I left the event, I had become more comfortable with the idea that maybe I am good enough and I also had gained skills boost my business from the training provided.

๐Ÿ’ŽI have to tell you that starting on this personal development journey with our award winning courses has transformed my life completely to where I can be sharing this recount of the past 35 years with you. It is mind blowing to me.  It's mind blowing thinking that all those years I felt I wasn't enough, I was doing amazing wonderful things in the world, giving and participating fully in the success of my family and myself.  I have learned what an incredible inspirational woman I am and my husband, my kids, extended family, friends and team members have all told me so.  But I no longer need to hear how good I am from them or from anyone other than myself.  I have truly become unshakable.  And I know now that work doesn't have to feel hard, if it is what you love to do!

Looking for big change and to Live Your Abundant Life!! Click this link to learn about the courses that transformed my life and also the opportunity we provide to get started!


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