
Showing posts from February, 2021

Legacy of Prosperity

  Vishal Mandaviya The first time I saw a work like the above, it just blew me away. With such intricacies and powerful colors, I couldn’t even imagine how someone had thought of such a thing. Much less created it. After I saw an artist create the painting, my respect changed … to their accuracy and how they used this abstraction to evoke emotions. I’ve realized that this applies to business too! Much of what we do might seem like magic, but that’s not where the skill lies. Instead, it’s about having a process which makes what you do reproducible. There are certain things you can do and say which dramatically improve the chances that who you touch through your business will come away satisfied. Even ecstatic. But that takes time, trial and error, seeing what works and what doesn't. It takes building trust from time in business and transparency, which also takes time, lots of time. Meanwhile, waiting to make a profit, which will come maybe years down the road depending on how much...

Why and Optimistic Outlook?

  After joining an online community based in Personal Development and Leadership Education, it is now easier to be optimistic about the future and the future of my business. I am optimistic for myself, but also I am optimistic for all those who have been struggling with emotions with all that is going on in the world and with the loss of loved ones and their livelihoods. Many have lost jobs and shut down businesses. But, for me, optimism has always been an essential tool for success, and it is critical that we take steps to keep our vibrations raised. Sometimes optimism is just about putting on a good face, kind of a “fake it ‘til you make it” affair. But I strive for something deeper than that. I strive to find the real things that raise my vibration, that way I am never being fake, I know there are sensitive people out there who can see through to the fake it or make it way and that is no way to attract what you want in your life. There are three reasons I find this important...

Getting Clear - What are your Core Values and Principles - Build from there!

Nothing seems to be clearly black and white anymore. Everything mushes into a vague shade of gray. It doesn’t have to be that way, though. You can make things more clear – especially for the team you work with. It’s about building on what IS clear. If you’re building a house, it’s very helpful to to start with a solid foundation, even drilling down to bedrock if needed. This is what keeps your house from being whipped around by the weather. So for yourself, ask: What is absolutely non-negotiable? What do I choose as the stable foundation of my life? And for your business, ask: What is absolutely non-negotiable? What do we choose as the stable foundation of our business? These are your bedrock, your unshakable foundation. But how do you bring them to life – not just idealistic sayings up on the wall. You’ll soon be leading an organization which stands on your core values and principles.