
Showing posts from April, 2024

What is this World Coming to, Kids These Days - What happened to the good ol' days?

  🌿 **Reconnect with Nature: Embrace a Balanced Lifestyle** As we reflect on human history, we encounter two compelling narratives that shape our understanding of progress and evolution. 🚀 **The Myth of Progress vs. 'The Fall'** The first narrative, the myth of progress, paints a picture of our journey from primitive existence to a modern world of knowledge and prosperity. However, as we witness the immense suffering in today's world, it's clear that this narrative falls short of the complete truth. While we enjoy modern comforts, they often come at a high price to nature. 🌱 **Rediscovering Mystical Participation** On the other hand, the myth of 'the fall' speaks to a tragic separation from our harmonious connection with nature and spirituality. This idea of mystical participation, where personality dissolves into collective relationship, offers a compelling perspective. In remote communities, we see glimpses of this intimate bond with the natural world. 🌍 *...

I Am Worth My Weight in Gold - One thing I’ve learn through my personal growth and development.

Early on in life I was afraid of a lot of things, but I also felt like, “I want to save the world!” What I found out after being a CNA straight out of High School and also working my way through college and then trade school was that, no one was going to save me, and only I can save myself. I started on my own journey of personal development and becoming a leader in my own life.  I decided to be my own hero! So the world does not need saving, what else…. I found that by being this open person to whatever anyone wants and being in the service industry working as a front desk clerk at a top hotel in Downtown Denver, Colorado, that I was then trained that yes was my only response in helping others and being of good service. As I worked many years to come in the hospitality industry the customer was always right and I was to work toward telling the customer yes! This carried over into my personal life, giving myself away to friends and family to please and gain their affections.  ...

🌿 **Unlocking Nature's Wisdom: Embrace a Life of Harmony**

  🌿 **Unlocking Nature's Wisdom: Embrace a Life of Harmony** Nature speaks to us in a language as old as time itself. Her whispers are invitations to dive deeper into her embrace, to discover the profound sense of belonging she offers. Imagine feeling her warmth and eternal embrace, guiding you towards a life rich with meaning and connection. 🌺 **Listening to Nature's Messages** Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, it's easy to overlook the timeless messages nature offers. But if we pause, listen, and open our hearts, we'll discover a world alive with wisdom. From the gentle rustle of leaves to the mesmerizing dance of birds in flight, nature's symphony sings of interconnectedness and beauty. 🌟 **Becoming One with the Elements** Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Spirit—these are not just elements, but companions on our journey. They infuse us with life force and teach us invaluable lessons of resilience and love. As we tune into their teachings, we realize our...